Ministry Compliance

1) Date of last election held alongwith the details of the electoral college of the said election30th December, 2020

2) Details of recognition of International/Asian body. (Copy of letter to be posted)View
3) Details of ACTC for the yearView
4) Annual Audited Accounts for last 3 financial years along balance
sheet (As audited by C.A. in CAG's Panel) Note: Annual report for preceding
year to be uploaded by 1st October of the current year
5) Name and contact details of the firm which audited accounts.SLM & Co LLP
2nd Gool mansion 6 homji street,
Horniman Circle, Fort,
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400002
6) Copy of Valid registration certificate of the federationView
7) i) Constitution of the organizationlNSFs.
ii) Copy of Memorandum/ Articles of the association.
8) Affiliation criteria of State/UT/Clubs units along with details of voting rights of each unitView
9) Name of the affiliated units with their registration numbersView
10) Name and Contact detaiIs of President & Secretary of affiliated units.(i) IRFU Board Members:


(ii) IRFU State Affiliate Members-

11) Details of National Championships conducted during the current calendar yearView
12) Calendar for National & Zonal championship to be held during current/next calendar year along with venueView
13) Details In respect of international events abroad & held in India:-
(i) List of core probables and basis of their selection.
(ii) Details of coaching camps organized including venue, dates and list of participants.
(iii) Notification of selection criteria for such events at least 6 months
in advance along with the details of time and venue for selection.
(iv) List of the athletes selected.
(v) Details of athletes, support personnel and other officials sent to
the event along with the amount paid to them towards air fare, boarding and
lodging, local transportation, daily allowance etc. This is required to be
placed on the website within 15 days of conclusion of the event.
(vi) Performance criteria which formed the basis of selection, actual performance
in terms of timing, distance, etc. and the position obtained by each team /player
-National player shortlist


- Player Selection Criteria -


- Indian National Teams

14) List of I -cards issued to National Athletes with Name of athlete, I card N. &, validity date.View
15) The details of certificates issued by the NSFs to the participants such as the name of the athlete, date of event, position obtained by the athlete, etc.- IRFU issues digital certificates to players directly to their online registered IRFU profiles.
16) Action taken by the NSF for prevention of age fraudThe Indian Rugby Football Union (IRFU) is in the process of issuing permanent ID Cards to all players. The ID carries their Date of Birth, Photograph and ID number. No ID is issued without proper verification of their date of birth. The registration is done on an online platform –
17) Notifying/updating the present selection Committee for national athletes.The Indian Rugby Football Union (IRFU) is in the process of issuing permanent ID Cards to all players. The ID carries their Date of Birth, Photograph and ID number. No ID is issued without proper verification of their date of birth. The registration is done on an online platform –
18) Note on efforts for having dope free sports and compliance to WADA/NADA Code along with details of cases found positive during the last calendar year and action taken thereonView
19) Details (amount & source) of funds received from other sources, including private sponsors, public sector undertakings, State Governments, etcView
20) Revenue generated by the NSF on its ownView
21) Date on which the website was last updated. 1st December, 2022
22) Confirmation from Registrar of Societies/Registrar of Companies confirming that the body is still registered and is complying with the requirements of the Act under which it is registered has been furnishedView

23) Were any amendments made to the Constitution?No, there have been no amendments made to the constitution.
24) Duly audited books of accountsView
25) Intimation to the MYAS about its General Body Meeting and other Meetings where elections of office bearers and other important decisions are to be takenView
26) Registration with the International Federation concernedView
27) General Body Meeting ScheduleView
28) Whether any legal action has been taken by the Registrar of Societies or other legal authority?No
29) Utilisation of Government FundsACTC Utilisation Certificates:




30) Information Manual: Rugby IndiaView
31) IRFU Election Regulations, tenure, and complianceView
32) Have any of the persons in the EC been elected to any other NSF?No
33) Prominent sportspersons of outstanding merit in the General Body and the Executive CommitteeMr. Rahul Bose - President, IRFU
Mr. Vikas Khatri (Retired National Player)
Ms. Vahbiz Bharucha (National Women's team captain)
34) National Championships for specified age-groups at the Senior, Junior and Sub-Junior levels for the past yearView
35) IRFU Long Term Development / Strategic PlanView
36) Advance Calendar drawn up for participation in competitions and training

Changes made to the schedule and venues as published in the advance calendar for the last four years

37) Conducting coaching camps, selection of coaches, selection of athletes etc in accordance with the GuidelinesView
(i) Yearly calendar of coaching camp based on the Long term strategic planView

(ii) Whether the Yearly calendar was furnished to the Government by 31st of January, and made available on the website?View
(iii) Whether any venue allocated for a particular coaching camp was changed? If yes, whether it was changed after taking due approval of the competent authority?No
(iv) Whether travel plan and ticketing of every player was informed to each player well in advance of the coaching camp?Yes
(v) Whether the team of coaches, sports scientists, experts were changed before the Asian/Olympic Games are over? If yes, what justification has been furnished therefor?No
(vi) Whether any National Coach, Assistant coach or member of coaching team has a tainted record?No
(vii) Whether Selection criteria/norms were communicated by NSFs to all concerned including the Government well in advance? Whether the same has been put up on the website, and furnished to SAI and Ministry to be put up on their respective websites?View
(viii) Whether minimum qualifying norms have been fixed for measurable events and announced with Selection Trials, and put up on website of NSF concerned and forwarded to SAI and Ministry to be put up on their respective websites?View
(ix) Whether any selection trial was announced less than one month in advance of date of the trials of the competition event?No
(x) Whether any selection trials for any team event were held less than two months in advance?No
(xi) Whether any selection trials for any contact games were held less than one month in advance of the competition event?No
(xii) What is the composition of the Selection Committee? Is it in consonance with the directions issued in this regard?View
(xiii) Whether any athlete not in the coaching camp was allowed to participate in the selection trials? What were the reasons therefor? Were there exceptional cases or with due justification?No
(xiv) Whether any team once finalized for an event was changed? If yes, under what circumstances, and with what justification, and whether the same was duly informed to all concerned?No
(xv) Whether the NSF has kept performance of each athlete on its website? Is this being updated at least once a month along with rankings as applicable?View




(xvi) What is the appeal mechanism in place to ensure proper and timely redressal of athletes’ grievances?View
38) Are 2/3rds of the State/UTs of India affiliated (and still affiliated) with the NSF?
Are they duly registered entities?
Are they active entities/have documents demonstrating activities carried out by them furnished?
(i) Are the State/UT Associations each affiliating and continuing to affiliate at least 50% of the District Associations? Are they duly registered entities? Are they active entities/have documents demonstrating activities carried out by them furnished?View
39) Whether the NSF has complied with conditions laid down in the Code, including as to anti-doping, prevention of age fraud, citizenship criteria for selection of National Team, prevention of sexual harassment etc?View


Selection Criteria: View

Prevention of age fraud: View
40) Whether measures against age fraud have been taken by the NSF?

Whether particulars of the identity cards issued have been uploaded on the website?
41) Whether measures to prevent sexual harassment of women in sports have been taken by the NSF?

(i) What is the present constitution of the Complaints Committee?

Name & Contact detais of office bearers President Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer
Name Rahul Bose Gerald Prabhu Sendhil V. Thyagarajan
Address Rugby India 2nd Floor, Nawab House, 63 Maharishi Karve Road, Marine Lines, Mumbai - 400 002. India.
Tel No. 022 22086910 022 22086910 022 22086910
Mail Id
Tenure till (specify date)